In spite of the scientific development and the continuous technological progress in all different fields, the economic prosperity in many societies has increased. But at the same time has negatively affected health and the environment as a whole due to different cases of pollution that raised from caused by industrial progress, and visual pollution is one of those types of pollution, and therefore must be seriously taken into consideration. So visual pollution is an aesthetic issue referring to the impacts of pollution that impair one’s ability to enjoy a vista or view. The term of visual pollution is also given to unattractive and man-made visual elements of vista, a landscape or any other things that make a person not to feel comfortable to look at. The purpose of this study was to identify repercussion of visual pollution and its influenceon public psychological health of some people in Duhok Centre and suburbs and also Zakho-Duhok Road. The results showed us from this study after presenting a group of photographs related to some cases of visual pollution on 500 people from of different age consisted of group of females and males during nine months from August 2017 to May 2018 from the Centre of Duhok and its Suburbs and the road linking the City of Zakho and Duhok that there was a discrepancy in the cases of Psychological discomfort for those people who were questioned resulting from looking at that image related to visual pollution and lead to the occurrence of some cases of Psychological illnesses. The good planning and managing is neglected by Government adding the lack of awareness about reducing the visual pollution and other types of pollution on a daily basis and working in harmony with a clean environment through activating and enforcing environmental protection laws.