Aim of the present study is to locate the landslide susceptibility zone with help of AHP method. Detailed Rainfall, Drainage and Slope assessment were carried out to assess the landslide hazard zonation. This objective is to map rainfall-induced and various other parameters with the help of landslide hazards over a region by using GIS. From this study, it is interpreted that the distribution of landslides is largely governed by a combination of geo-environmental conditions, such as geology, soil type, annual average rainfall, slope, land use/land cover, drainage density, lineament density, geomorphology and annual average water level. All the above parameters provide certain clues for the preparation of Landslide Vulnerable and Hazard Zonation map. In order to get all these information’s unified, it is essential to integrate these data with appropriate factor. Therefore, numerically this information is integrated through the application of GIS. Overall, thematic maps were assessed for the landslide vulnerability and hazards zonation mapping. The results were related with the locations in which major landslides had occurred in the study area. There is good correlation between areas defined as vulnerable and hazardous, and the existing landslides were noticed. There were several landslides in the study area which coincided with the vulnerable and hazard zones.