The concept of cognitive abilities is associated with overall development of the school students and today it is widely recognized through the support of parents. The present study was designed to find out the relationship of cognitive abilities of school students with parenting and its modes (rejection vs acceptance, carelessness vs protection, neglect vs indulgence, utopian expectation vs realism, lenient standard vs moralism, freedom vs discipline, faculty role expectation vs realistic role expectation; and marital conflict vs marital adjustment). While employing descriptive survey method, the present study was conducted on a sample of 400 school students. The sample was selected by using random sampling techniques. Cognitive Ability Test by Gupta and Lakhani and Parenting Scale by Bhardwaj, Sharma and Garg was used for data collection. Product moment correlation (r) was used to find out the relationship among variables under study. The findings of the study revealed significant relationship of cognitive abilities of school students with parenting and its modes. Significant relationships of cognitive abilities of school students with mothering, fathering and their modes were also found. The findings have special implications for parents as parents can think to the ways and means to encourage and foster abilities among students.