Literature and language are like the two sides of the coin. It is impossible to imagine literature without language, as it is the medium to exchange information. English language is more important in communicating with others. Even though English is not our mother tongue we the Indians are depending for everything on English language like in Business, Education and Employment. Skill is the aptitude or the inherent talent which every individual possess. To get proficiency in English Communication skills are learnt by the Indians. The (LSRW) listening, speaking, Reading and writing skills are interdependent on each other and important in communication skills. Every human being uses language which shows the difference between man and animal. Man is a social animal, he need to get socializing in the society. The new born child expresses the needs with gestures before learning a language. Literature possesses inspirational short stories, dramas related to war and love, thought- provoking poems which brings awareness in the readers. Literature adds beauty to language. English language teaching is a herculean task to teachers because mother tongue influence plays a major role. Literature broadens students' horizons by giving them knowledge of the classics of literature. It stimulate students' creative, cultural and literary imagination and to develop their appreciation of literature. Literature shows different types of characters in its own style. Literature has been proven as a great tool to approach English language and English culture. Literature gives many new words, learning thee words helps in the improvement of vocabulary in language. Literature is a complex art. Learning is a life- long continuous process. It starts from womb and ends to tomb. Literature can be studied under various classifications such as time period, geographical locations, nature, etc. and as American literature, French literature, Colonial literature, medieval literature, Modern literature, Romantic period, etc. Literature teaches us how to live. Literature makes the reader visit places, experience events, meet people, listen to them, feel their joys and sufferings. It mirrors the society and its mannerisms.