Introduction. Chronic diseases share several characteristics with infectious processes, arterial hypertension has been related to the poor evolution of SARS CoV2 infection.
General Objective. To relate blood pressure figures to the severity of the clinical picture is suspected or confirmed cases of CoVID-19 in UMF No. 9, Tlaxcala.
Method. Observational, cross-sectional study. Respiratory care module records were consulted, age, sex, PCR or rapid test, symptomatology, comorbidities, vital signs were obtained, and based on the clinical picture the severity of the infection was classified. Descriptive analysis was performed, in addition to Chi 2, Fischer's exact test, Mann Whitney U test, considering statistically significant p ≤ .05. Results: The study included 1013 patients, 51% of whom were women, the age range was 18 to 90 years, 4% had a history of hypertension, the mean blood pressure was between 88 and 222 mmHg, 56% had normal blood pressure, the severity of COVID-19 was mild in 75%, moderate in 21% and severe in 4%. Severity was associated with systolic, diastolic, and mean pressure figures (p<0.05). Conclusion: blood pressure elevation is associated with COVID-19 severity.