The prevention or healing of endodontic pathology depends on a thorough chemomechanical cleaning and shaping of the root canals before a dense root canal filling with a fluid tight seal. An awareness and understanding of the presence of unusual root canal morphology can thus contribute to the successful outcome of root canal treatment. It is known that the mandibular first molar can display several anatomical variations. An additional third root, first mentioned in the literature by Carabelli is called Radix Entomolaris. This supernumerary root is located distolingually in mandibular molars, mainly the first molars. The prevalence of Radix Entomolaris has been reported to be as low as 0.2% in Indian population. Several refinements during radiographic interpretation, access cavity preparation and cleaning and shaping are required in order to avoid procedural errors during the successful endodontic management of Radix Entomolaris. This report discusses endodontic treatment of two mandibular molars with radix entomolaris, which are rare macro structures in the Indian population.