Objective: To present the radiological and pathological findings of various causes of unilateral gigantomastia.
Materials and methods: Twenty-eight patients presenting clinically with unilateral diffuse breast enlargement were investigated radiologically. Twenty-six of these were females and two were males with unilateral gynecomastia. Some were treated medically and followed up while some cases were treated surgically. Histopathology was obtained in all cases.
Discussion and conclusion: Macromastia may be of varied etiology including benign and malignant conditions. Out of 26 cases studied eight different diagnoses were found. Those included Giant fibroadenoma (7 cases), phyllodes tumor (4 cases), Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (2 cases), juvenile gigantomastia (2 cases), Mastitis (3 cases), Invasive carcinoma (8 cases), Multicentric carcinoma (1 case) and Unilateral male gynaecomastia (2 cases). Many a times the clinical findings are inconclusive and require radiological evaluation to decide the management of the lesion. Confirmation of diagnosis was made by histopathological examination.