A quasi experimental study on the effectiveness of educational intervention in changing knowledge and attitude regarding tobacco use among secondary school students in an urban slum

Vandana Kumari., Rajat Prakash., Barun Bhai Patel., Harpreet Singh., Ravi Nimonkar., Ganesh Madne and Manoj Kumar Gupta

Background: School based education intervention programs have been effective in increasing awareness to prevent children to start tobacco use when they are most vulnerable. Objective: 1.To find out the magnitude of smoking & smokeless tobacco use among the study population. 2. To assess the knowledge of study population regarding tobacco use. 3. To find out the improvement in knowledge among the experimental & control group after educational intervention; if any. Materials & Methods: Design: Pre-Post quasi experimental study with intervention and control group. Intervention: Baseline pre-intervention data collected from all the participants of both the groups based on pre-tested, semi structured questionnaire. Three sessions of educational intervention at monthly interval were taken for experimental group only. Post - intervention data collected from all the 704 participants and analyzed. Study population: Government school students of classes 7th, 8th & 9th of 12-16 years age group in an urban slum of Kolkata, West Bengal Results: Smokeless form of tobacco is the most prevalent form (67.4%). Post intervention knowledge about tobacco use has increased in experimental study group when compared to control group as P value is statistically significant. Conclusions: The educational intervention program improved knowledge of school children.

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