The ragi (Eleusine coracana) flour is rich in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals. Ragi proteins are good source of essential amino acids, these are also rich source of phytochemicals and micronutrients. That is why they act as nutraceuticals. Therefore, efforts were made to prepare multigrain bread using these grain flours after germination. The bread was prepared by replacing whole wheat flour with millet flour at 1,2,3,4, 5% and prepared bread was evaluated for sensory properties using semi trained panel members by using 9-point hedonic scale. In the present investigation the bread at 1-3 per cent level of incorporation of germinated ragi rated almost equal to that of control sample. However, the bread at 5 per cent was not liked very much by most of the panel members. The bread was also evaluated for its physical characteristics, the physical characteristics at 3 per cent replacement level of ragi was as much as comparable to the control sample. The loaf volume, texture, taste, flavour, crust color, crumb color and overall acceptability was decreased with increased percentage of germinated ragi flour in bread.