Quality evaluation of milk samples collected from different intermediaries at the vicinity of chittoor district, andhrapradesh, india

Indumathi J and Obula Reddy B

Present investigation was carried out with the aim to investigate the chemical composition, phyico chemical parameters and various adulterants of market milk sold at different intermediaries at the vicinity of chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Total of 100 milk samples were collected randomly from different intermediaries, 25 samples each from the milk producers (MP), milk collectors (MC), milk vendors (MV) and retail shops (RS) and were examined for different adulterants like water, urea, starch, sodium chloride, detergents, neutralizers, cane sugar, hydrogen peroxide, formaldehyde and glucose and dextrose. Among the intermediaries, milk obtained from MP was remarkably higher (p<0.05) in fat, solid not fat (SNF), total solids (TS) content and significantly lower (p<0.05) percent added water than that of milk procured from MC, MV and from RS. Based on the results of phyico- chemical characteristics, milk samples procured from milk producers showed significantly higher (P<0.05) Specific gravity, and lower acidity and pH compared to the samples collected from MC, MV and RS. All examined milk samples collected from MP, MC, MV and RS were free from adulterants like Glucose and dextrose, Hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde. Samples collected from the MP found completely lower positive percentages for different adulterants like water, urea, starch, sodium chloride, detergents, neutralizers and cane sugar than the samples from other intermediaries.

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