Background: Depression and anxiety are prevalent in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); however, its prevalence in Himachal Pradesh in not known.
Aim: To study psychiatric comorbidities in COPD patients
Methods: A total of 66 COPD patients were enrolled at regional hospital, Bilaspur. Sociodemographic variables and risk factors were collected. Psychiatric comorbidities were assessed using MINI 6.0 scale. Data were presented as frequency and percentages.
Results: Depression was the most common psychiatric comorbidity in 24% patients followed by substance abuse in 13.6% patients. Dysthymia and anxiety was present in 3% and 1.5% respectively. 57.6% patients had no psychiatric illness.
Conclusion: COPD patients have high prevalence of depression and substance abuse. Screening and treatment of these psychiatric comorbidities in patients with COPD may lead to significant improvements in patients' quality of life.