Purpose: To analyse the difference in heat generation by different methods of irrigation while osteotomy preparation of dental implants and its clinical implications on osseointegration.
Material and Methods: Goat’s mandibles were used to evaluate heat generated during bone preparation for placing dental implants. Osteotomy was prepared using two different methods of irrigation (group I internal and external irrigation system, and group II external irrigation system). Temperature was measured using a thermocouple attached to the bone at different length from the alveolar ridge. Based on observations of in vitro study, an in vivo study was carried out. 30 patients with partial edentulism were clinically & radiologically assessed for implant osseointegration when osteotomy was prepared using same clinical settings as that of in-vitro study.
Results: No significant difference (p>0.05) was observed on comparing the efficacy of
different cooling systems on implant osseointegration.
Conclusion: Internal & external cooling system cumbersome to sterilize and expensive. External irrigation system on the other hand has same efficacy as the other system and is comparatively user friendly, therefore external irrigation system is a better modality to control bone temperature during osteotomy preparation for dental implants.