Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the advantages of lightweight mesh and compare them to heavyweight standard polypropylene mesh before their induction into the standard hernia repair protocol of the department of surgery in our institute. Methods: Fifty males who were diagnosed with inguinal hernia were prospectively enrolled in the study after approval of the institutional ethics committee and operated on between October 2010 and August 2012. These patients were allocated alternately to two groups: Group A- Light weight poly-propylene mesh (ULTRAPRO) Group B- Standard heavy weight polypropylene mesh (PROLENE) Data were expressed in percentages and the two groups were compared using the Chi square test and the Fischer’s exact test. A P-value of 0.05 or less was considered statistically significant. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in pain, analgesic requirement and mesh consciousness at day 30 and 90 in lightweight mesh group as compared to the heavyweight mesh group. There was no difference in pain impeding activity, no wound infection and no recurrence in either group. Conclusion: Hence a lightweight mesh has proven to be superior to the heavy weight mesh in terms of reduction in pain at rest, decreased analgesic requirement, and reduced mesh consciousness. Neither group has had a recurrence so far.