Menstruation is generally considered as unclean in the Indian society. Isolation of the menstruating girls and restrictions being imposed on them in the family, have introduced a negative attitude towards this phenomenon. Menstrual health problem are over 355 million menstruating women and girls in India, 28 yet millions of women across the country still facing the problems and make them to comfort and experience with menstrual health. Girls do not consistently have access to education on puberty and menstrual health. In India, 71% of girls are report of menstruation to the mother to their first period. 29% girls often to their mothers for information and support, but 70% of mothers consider menstruation is dirty. Almost 88% of women and girls in India use of homemade alternatives, such as an old cloth, rags, hay, sand, or ash. Women and girls are lacking to access of appropriate sanitation facilities. There are 63 million adolescent girls living in homes without toilets. Despite national efforts to improve sanitation, women and girls lack appropriate facilities and community support to manage their menstruation privately and in a safe manner.