Empowering women is a pre-requisite condition for creating a good nation when women are empowered. Education is milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to responds to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. So that we can’t neglect the importance of education in reference to women empowerment in India is poised to becoming superpower, a developed country by 2020. The growth of women’s education in rural areas is very slow. A large gender gap exists in political participation too. Women Education and Women empowerment are closely related. Education is the key factor for women empowerment, prosperity, development and welfare. Discrimination of women from womb to tomb is well known. There is continued inequality and vulnerability of women in all sectors- Economic, Education, Social, Political, Health Care, Nutrition, Right and Legal etc. women oppressed in all spheres of life, they need to be empowered in all walk of life. In order to fight against the socially constructed gender biases, women have to swim against the system that requires more strength. Such strength comes from the process of empowerment and empowerment will come from the education. Education ofwomen is the most powerful tool of change the position in every society. Education also brings a reduction in inequalities and functions as a means of improving their status within the family. To provide the education to everyone, EFA programme was launched in 2002 by the Government of India after its 86th Constitutional Amendment made education from age 6-14 the fundamental right of every Indian child. But position of girl’s education is not improving according to determined parameter for women. The present paper is an attempt to analyze and to study the present status of Women Education and Women Empowerment in India. .The study concludes that women of India are relatively disempowered and they enjoy somewhat lower status than that of men in spite of many efforts undertaken by government and also concludes by an observation that access to education and empowerment are only the enabling factors to empowerment, achievement towards goal however, depends largely on the attitude of the people towards gender equality.