Background:- Surgical site infections [SSIs] are the most common nosocomial infection amongst surgical patients and are associated with prolonged hospital stays and increased costs. Infection develops when endogenous flora is translocated to a normally sterile site or distant site [especially in patients with prosthesis or another implant].The development of surgical site infections are influence by certain factors like bacterial inoculums and virulence, host defences, preoperative care and intraoperative management. The use of peri-operative antimicrobial prophylaxis is to overcome this problem. Our study was planned to evaluate the effect of prophylactic antibiotic in clean and clean contaminated cases and to assess the outcome.
Methods:- A prospective study was conducted which include 175 patients undergoing elective surgery admitted to the Department of Surgery at I.Q. City Medical College, Durgapur from August 2017 to July 2018. Patients who underwent clean or clean contaminated surgery were included in the study. Cefuroxime was used preoperatively 30 minute prior to incision and its impact on post operative wound infection was studied.
Results:- We had 175 cases in our study predominantly males with maximum age group 18 – 30 years. Out of the total 175 patients only 4% develop SSI despite antimicrobial prophylaxis.
Conclusions:- A single dose of antibiotics Cefuroxime preoperatively is effective to prevent surgical site infection in elective case assuming an uncomplicated procedure.