Purpose: To study the prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity at Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla and Kamla Nehru State Hospital For Mother & Child Shimla in the hilly terrain of Himachal Pradesh.
Methods: A hospital based prospective observational study was conducted from Jan 2013 to Dec 2015 at neonatal intensive care unit and ophthalmology unit at Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla and Kamla Nehru State Hospital For Mother & Child Shimla. 155 babies admitted to the neonatal unit who were ≤ 1700gms or whose gestation was ≤ 34 weeks were examined by an ophthalmologist by indirect ophthalmoscope at 4-6 weeks postnatal age.
Results: 155 babies have enrolled during the study period. Out of 155 babies, 40 babies developed ROP. Out of 40 babies who developed ROP, 15 (37.4%) had stage 1, 11(27.5%) stage 2, 13(32.5%) had stage3, 1 (2.5%) had stage 5. We identified ROP in 25.8 % of neonates at the time of their first eye examination. One infant developed severe ROP.
Conclusion: ROP is becoming a major cause of potentially preventable blindness among children in lower-middle income countries. ROP is seen in 25.8 % of neonates at the time of their first eye examination in our study.