Aim: To study prevalence of Celiac disease in patients of Irritable Bowel Syndrome at a tertiary care center. Material & Method: The study included the patients of Irritable bowel syndrome .The patients included were both males and females in urban and rural population. Patients between age 15 years to 70 years were interviewed and diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome on the basis of Rome III criteria. These patients were tested for CBC, Thyroid function test, IgA anti tTG, stool routine microscopy, stool for occult blood, USG abdomen. UGI endoscopy, D2 biopsy and colonoscopy were done if deemed necessary by the physician. Results: 253 patients of irritable bowel syndrome were included in the study. The mean age was 41.8 ± 13.1 years. Out 253 patients ,122 patients (48.2%) were IBS-C, 105 patients (41.5%) were IBS-D and 26 patients (10.3%) were IBS-M. In both Male and Female, IBS-C was more common (47.9% and 48.7% respectively). IgA anti tTG was positive in 2 out of 253 patients. One patient was male and other female. Both the patients had diarrhea predominant IBS. Of the two IgA anti tTG positive patients, one patient had D2 biopsy showing complete villous atrophy, cypt hyperplasia and intraepithelial lymphocytosis (Marsh grade 3c) suggestive of celiac disease. Other patient had D2 biopsy negative for celiac disease thus potential/latent celiac disease. Conclusions: The prevalence of potential/latent celiac disease in IBS patients at our center is 0.4%. The prevalence of celiac disease in IBS patients at our center is 0.4%.