The aim of this study, was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of respiratory tract infections among workers in the Kuwait Oil Company. In order to improve the health .of the petroleum oil refinery workers.
While the objectives behind this study were to estimate the prevalence of respiratory tract infections among petroleum workers in Kuwait and to relate the risk factors of respiratory tract infections with the frequency of respiratory diseases among petroleum workers in Kuwait.
The study was conducted in a form of a cross-sectional study that compares the respiratory infections of blue-collar workers in the oil refinery fields and white-collar workers in Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). The main instrument used was a questionnaire that was distributed to workers and it included simple data as Demographic data, Diagnosed diseases, Respiratory symptoms, Questions on risk factors and some other questions. Around half of the sample, 243 (47.2%), was between the age group of 21-30; of them, 87 (56.1%) were office workers. Males represented 97% of the cohort, 208 (40.4%) employees suffered from respiratory infections, 145 (40.3%) and 63 (40.6%) were field and office workers. Preventive measures and management plans are highly recommended.