Background: Anaemia is a major health problem affecting developing as well as developed countries. Eventhough the association between some of the diseases with blood group is well known, the studies on relationship of anaemia with blood groups is scarse.
Objective: To find out the prevalence of anaemia among dental students of a private institution and to assess its relation with blood groups if any.
Materials & methods: The study is conducted in 99 dental students of a private college in Kerala. Hemoglobin is estimated using Sahli’s method, RBC count by hemocytometry and blood groups by glass slide method.
Results: The prevalence of anaemia among dental students is found to be 31.3%. B blood group was showing maximum frequency of 41.4% followed by A blood group with a frequency of 29.3 % followed by O blood group with a frequency of 25.3 % and blood group AB the least (4%). Frequency of Rh negative blood group is 5.1%. Study showed that anaemia is more in students with blood group B followed by blood group O but it was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The prevalence of anaemia among dental students is found to be 31.3 %. There is no significant association between anaemia and ABO and Rh blood groups among dental students.