Background: A prescription audit is quality improvement tool for ensuring rational use of drugs and is based on documented evidences of diagnosis, treatment and instructions to achieve the same. The purpose was to evaluate patterns of various prescription errors. Method: A prospective observational study was carried out. Prescriptions were collected randomly and analyzed for number of errors. The prescriptions were analysed in accordance to NABH and MCI guidelines for prescription writing. Special attention was paid to generic drugs names being mentioned in the prescriptions, capitals letters used and drug interactions being assessed.
Result: Total 370 prescriptions were analyzed. A total of 220 prescription errors were detected. Of them the most common error was not writing the generic names of drugs In 163 followed by errors on regards to not writing the prescription in capital letters in 43 of them. Few errors also seen were wrong dosage prescription in 9 of them, drug interactions (3) and missed dosage with in 2.
Conclusion: Our study showed that there is scope for improvement in prescribing patterns especially with writing of prescriptions in capital letters and writing the generic name of drugs.