Aripiprazole active substance is a white crystalline powder and is practically insoluble in water and its solubility is pH dependent. Therefore, a particle size effect on dissolution of the tablets can be expected. In order to ensure batch-to-batch consistency of the product, and to ensure adequate bioavailability, aripiprazole is subject to milling 7. Though direct compression is the easiest way of preparing oral dispersible tablets but from the rheology study of the powder blend it was concluded that the blend (direct compression) B1 having no good flow property, which ultimately leads to nonuniformity of the drug in the compressed tablet. So as to enhance the flow property in the further study wet granulation technique was implemented in this research work. The dissolution (B2) concluded that the solubility,% release as well as bioavailability of the drug was enhanced up to a certain mark by means of the micronisation of the drug. So in the further study of this work, only micronised drug was used for better bioavailability. Solubility enhancement of aripiprazole ODT (B2) was resulted. Direct. Dissolution study of micronized formulation B2 concluded that the solubility, % release as well as bioavailability of the drug were enhanced up to a certain mark. So in the further study of this research work only micronized drug can be used for better bioavailability of prepared ODTs.