Preparation of composites and evaluation of antibacterial efficacy

Neeraja C, Maleeka Begum S.F, and Rajesh G

Lantana camara is an evergreen shrub is spread throughout the world in a ubiquitous manner. Although it was introduced as an ornamental species and soon took over as a weed, its medicinal properties did not go unnoticed and as such its various biological activities have been used for a long time. Nanotechnology is an ever rising field of science that has helped the medical world to step up in drug production and site targeted drug release and such therapies. In this study, we have tried to establish that composites of herbal particles and nanoparticles as a measure against serious infections is always a promising field of research. 80% ethanolic extracts of Lantana camara leaves and Copper Oxide nanoparticles were mixed in different ratio to produce composites and then their antibacterial activity was assessed, and as expected the composites yielded a better result than the herbal particles or nanoparticles alone.

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