Background : Hydatid cyst is a cosmopolitan anthro pozoonosis resulting from the development of larval form of Echinococcusgranulosus in human tissue. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of preoperative treatment with albendazole in cyst sterilization and prevention of recurrence.
Methods : This was a prospective cohort study conducted in surgical department of University Hospital IbnSina Morocco, from January 2013 to December 2018. Anthropometric, comorbidity, clinical characteristics, surgical approach and post-operative evolution data were collected. Radiology characteristics and biology markers using IFI and ELISA technics before and after pre-operative medical treatment were compared. And finally data of viability of parasite in surgical specimen were collected. All patients were started on Albendazole; accordingly 10 mg/kg/day divided on two takes, for 6months consecutively.
Results: 50 patients were included. Mean age was 45 years ; 68% were female. 20 patients had past history of surgical intervention for hydatid cystpior to the last 10 years. Clinical symptoms were dominated by abdominal pain (90%). Right localization was predominant in 60% with segment VI involvement on abdominal CT. 40% presented hepatic cytolysis during treatement corse. Clinical and radiological improvement was reported in 80% and 62% respectively. Finally non-viable scolex on surgical excusion were observed in 82%. Resection of the prominent dome was the most used technique (92%). No reccurent cases were reported.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of Albendazole is demonstrated when administered for a period of 6 months. Cytolysis is not an indication to discontinue Albendazole therapy permanently.
In case of cytolysis, therapeutic windows are a standard practice until normalization of transaminases.