Introduction: Lead is a heavy metal and important environmental toxicant. It can damage the nervous system, the renal, growth and development, psychological behavior and intelligence. Lead exposure in young children is of particular concern because children absorb lead more readily than adults and the developing nervous system of children is vulnerable to the adverse effects of lead. Blood lead levels as low as 10 μg/dl are associated with harmful effects on the children’s learning disabilities, behavioural problems and mental retardation.
Aim: To find out the possible lead exposure pathway in children due to toys and intervention possibilities in them
Methodology: The present study is based on the search of materials from different journals, original articles and review articles. Data was studied and analyzed.
Conclusion: Lead toxicity results in low performances on child’s intellectual abilities, academic abilities and many other issues. Pediatricians must be well equipped to monitor and help reduce sources of lead contamination and prevent lead exposure in children