Plagiarism is prevailing and very sensational issue in Indian academics in general and among research scholars in particular as it is defined and addressed partial so far. The present century academic system is in a transition phase as digital contents are incorporating day by day, even every minute in academics; thereby academic systems have started to march towards electronic publishing and on-line also. Further, due to availability of digital contents in huge quantity on single platform and easily accessible, even 24×7 throughout the year is really increasing the cases of plagiarism in Indian academics day by day. To resolve these cases perfectly, a sound and seamless policy is required on plagiarism. Academic dishonesty is the synonym of plagiarism which needs utmost care during checking any research documents like thesis, dissertation, assignments, review, and research paper with detection tool(s). The present paper will try to elicit the real meaning of plagiarism, academic dishonesty, plagiarism factors, policy, and some other issues/concepts which are playing significant role and responsible for committing the plagiarism in research activities.