Pilot study of serum proinflammatory cytokines levels in patients treated with dental implants

Maya Lyapina., Mariana Cekova., Georgy Nikolov., Radoslava Grozdanova., Mariela Deliverska and Angelina Kisselova

The study was designed to determine the sensitization to titanium allergens in patients treated with dental implants and in individuals with suspected or proven sensitization to dental materials, and the correlation between serum levels of interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-17 and interleukin-22 and implant loss. Skin patch testing with Ti, TiO2, Ti nitride, and Ti oxalate decahydrate was performed. The measurement of serum cytokine levels was performed by ELISA kits. Quantification of allergen-specific IgE in patient serum was performed. The following statistics were used: Chi2 test, Fisher Exact Test, Mann-Whitney test. No significant differences concerning the incidence of sensitization to titanium allergens between the studied groups were revealed. The incidence of sensitization to all allergens was low, highest to Titanium nitride, especially among patients with periimplantitis. No significant between the groups concerning the cytokine serum levels were established. Using Mann-Whitney U test, significantly higher values of TNF-α levels were established among the patients without implants and sensitized to dental materials. We suppose that elevated TNF-α levels reflect unspecific reaction of allergic inflammation rather than a diagnostic tool for implant loss. Summarizing the results, we can assume that patients with atopic allergy are more inclined for sensitization to titanium.

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