A study of eight plant materials (Capsicum annuum L, Cleome viscosa L, Mytragina inermis (Wild) kuntze, Strophantus hispidus A.CD, Ocimum basilicum L., Cassia nigricans Vahl., Cassia occidentalis L.)organic extracts biological efficiencyagainst adults of Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae), which cause big damage to mango production in Burkina Faso, has been done in laboratory conditions. Extraction of the different substances has been done using solvents of increasing polarity (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) by Nair method (Kambou et al., 2008).The experimental design was a randomized Fisher block bioassays of 25 treatments in 5 replications. Phytochemical analysis of the active fraction of C. annuum and S. hispidus has been done using Ciulei’ method (1982).The methanol extract of M. inermis provided the higher yield of 18.13%. Between the twenty-four extracts tested, the one of C. annuum ethyl acetate, followed by those of n-hexane and methanol of C. annuum, recorded a significant rate of mortality after 24 hours observation respectively 13.8% and 5%. After72 hours’ observation, the ethyl acetate extract of C. annuum and methanol of S. hispidus gave the best mortality respectively 18% and 15%. Phytochemical analysis revealed that C. annum ethyl acetate extract fractions are abundant in sterols, triterpenes, alkaloids and flavonoids The methanol extract of S. hispidus contains many phytochemical groups recognized to be toxic and likely to have insecticidal properties. Only the extract of S. hispidus contains carotenoids. The purification of these most active fractions would make possible to identify active molecules and to build an integrated pest management program based on C. annuum and S. hispidus formulations against C. cosyra.