Introduction: Post hysterectomy weight gain was recorded widely. Obesity restricting physical activity diminishes the quality of life; being a woman the ill effects on her, family and society were multipronged. Aims and Objectives: This original study aims at analysing the reduction of obesity following hysterectomy with exercises and evaluates quality of life with physiotherapy. Materials and Methodology: This study was carried during the period from January 2017 to march 2017. She was treated with specific exercises at an exercise intensity of 50%-70 % of maximal heart rate, with a weekly twice frequency. Results: Pre and post BMI, WC and QOL were analysed with statistical means of highly significant reduction in waist circumference and quality of life (P< 0.01). Conclusion: With a reduction in obesity and an improved QOL were more beneficial among the hysterectomy subject following specific physiotherapeutic means, the major outcome of this study can be extended to other surgically treated gynaecological patients.