Objective: The objective of the present study is to analysis the physico-chemical characteristics, phytochemicals and inorganic nutrients present in the leaf of Hybanthus enneaspermus.
Methods: The plants in which the bioactive compounds are present in high concentration are known as medicinal plants. Herbal medicine may contain many trace elements, it is necessary to understand about the physico- chemical characters of medicinal plants. In the present study was the leaf extract of Hybanthus enneaspermus was subjected to physico-chemical characters such as PH, moisture content, total ash, acid soluble ash and acid-basic radicals by standard methods. Phytochemical analysis and inorganic compounds are analyzed by following standard protocoal.
Results: The pH of solution was found to be 5.04 ± 0.122. Percent moisture content was 32.45 ± 0.365%. Low moisture content could prevent the sample from microbial infection during storage (Pandey et al., 2012). The ash values like total ash and acid insoluble ash value were found to be 5.20%± 0.253 and 2.85± 0.435% respectively. The phytochemical and inorganic compounds present in Hybanthusenneaspermus leaf were tabulated. The obtained results of present study will provide data about the physico- chemical characters and minerals present in H. enneaspermus