Phylogenetic relationshipand genetic diversity of bacillus thuringiensis isolated from soil samples, jeddah, ksa

Othman Al-Yahyawy, Fatimah M. Hadadi, Khaled Elghamdy, Ayman Sabry and Salah E. M. Abo-Aba

In the present study a total of 19 Bacillus thuringiensis were isolated from soil samples Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The distinctive properties of 16s rRNA gene as universal phylogenetic marker was employed to carry out comprehensive diversity study of the bacterial isolates in order to reveal the evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships among these isolates. The DNA length and %GC content varied greatly between and within strains, and variation in GC-content of all studied sequences indicated no connection between sequence length and %GC content. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these isolates clustered in 5 clads. That is, it could be concluded that these observed variations in sequences and nucleotide of Bacillus thuringiensis strains are results of adaptation tosuch environment of Saudi Arabia. Further study for sequence analysis of salinity tolerance genes would be of great interest.

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