Catalytic degradation of organic dye molecules has attracted extensive attention due to their high toxicity to water resources. Degradation of hazardous Congo red dye was studied using Zn-Ti bimetallic photo catalyst in this work. The aim of the present work is to study photochemical degradation of reactive azo-dye such as Congo red. Various Ti-Zn composites were used as photo catalysts for this study. The synthesized photo catalysts exhibited high photo catalytic activity for the degradation of Congo red. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and UV-VIS Analysis were done for materials characterization. We also investigated various effects like initial pH, catalyst loading and concentrations of the dyes on the rate of degradation. Complete degradation of 0.1M Congo red dye was achieved for 60min of irradiation in presence of pure nanoTi&Zn(1:1).