Arsenic compounds are being popularly used in Ayurveda therapeutics since centuries, Haratala being important among them. It is commonly used in treating the diseases like Sleshmaroga, Raktapitta, Vatarakta, Kustha etc.Haratala is called orpiment of yellow arsenic with two molecules of Arsenic and three molecules of Sulphur (AS2S3). Patra Haratala is Srestha and used for the present study. Haratala consumed without proper Shodhana shortens the life span, causes diseases of Kapha and Vata, Prameha, Santapa, Spotha, Snayu Sankocha. Hence Shodhana of Haratala is essential. Shodhana is the process of removal of physical, chemical impurities and potentiating of the drugs. Generally Shuddha Haratala is not given alone. It is administered along with herbal drugs or in the form of Rasamanikya or also as a main ingredient in most of the popular formulations like Samirapannaga Rasa, Vatagajankusha Rasa etc. There are different Medias explained in literature for Shodhana of Haratala. According to the media of purification the quality and pharmacological properties of Haratala will vary. Depending on the change in properties the therapeutic effect may also vary. The present study includes Shodhana of Patra Haratala as per Classical reference of Rasa Ratna Samucchaya where Shodana of Patra Haratala is done by Kushmanda Swarasa, Tila Kshara Jala and Churnodaka. Standard Operative Procedure of the process is done in the pharmaceutical study. The analytical study reveals the standards which can be given for Ashuddha Haratala and Shuddha Haratala of various Samples. The differences in the parameters reveal that there are some changes which give us the idea regarding role of a particular media in purification of a substance, where it adds some properties of the media used.