Sesbania grandiflora (family: Fabaceae) commonly known as ‘sesbania’, is widely used as Indian medicine. Sesbania grandiflora has the common names of Agati, Corkwood Tree and West Indian Pea. The plant contains rich in tannins, flavanoids, coumarins, steroids and tri terpenes, iosflavanoids, isovestitol, medicarpin, and sativan and betulinic acid. The plant used in colic disorder, jaundice, poisoning condition, smallpox, eruptive fever, epilepsy etc., Flower extract used in various diseases like nasal catarrh, headache, laxative, aperitif, gout, ozoena, bronchitis, pain. Sesbania grandiflora is used alone or with other medicinal plants to treat a variety of ailments. Research studies leading to extraction, isolation and biological study of plant constituents have now formed the major field of study.