Medicinal plants are the local heritage with universal importance. World was gifted with a rich wealth of medicinal plants. Herbs have always been the principal source of medicine in india and presently they are becoming popular throughout the world. Justicia tranquebariensis linn belongs to family acanthaceae, known as sivanervembu in tamil,. It is grown in deccan, mysore, karnataka, southwards and also in all districts of peninsular india and in srilanka. Justicia tranquebariensis linn is one of the important herbal being used in ayurvedic system of medicine. Mostly the leaves are used for the medical purpose. A wide variety of biologically active constituents such as phytosterols, flavonoids, glycosides are present in this plant. The aerial parts of justicia tranquebariensis contains lignans, (-)-β-cubebin, (+)-lariciresinol, (+)-isolariciresinol, (+)-medioresinol. This plant exhibits anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antihelmenthic, cardioprotective, antiulcerogenic, bronchial asthma, anti arthritic, antimicrobial activities. The present review aims to compile medicinal values of justicia tranquebariensis generated through the research activity using modern scientific approaches and innovative scientific tools.