Ayurveda is a science of dealing with the ailments and various diseases in the most natural and accepatable form to mankind. For this it offers many ahara vihara i.e.dietstyle regimes, seasonal regimes and daily routines. Anupana is also one of the integral part of ayurvedic regimes. It acts as a synergistic with the drug to be administered. But in today’s era due to the lack of research trials and standardisation in the field of ayurveda this concept have not been recognised and applied even by the ayurvedic practitioners as well as compared to the strict treatment protocols followed by the contemporary sciences. Hence there is an obvious requirement for the understanding of this concept from the available facts and literature from the mother science as well as modern concepts that are available to us today. In this paper a study is done to reconstruct the concept of anupana on the basis of modern pharmacological concepts so as to promote its inculpation in therapeutic methods and to be followed as a strict protocol to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of ayurvedic chikitsa.