An innovative technology that can aid in harnessing a clean water supply is to capture the moisture from the air. Fog harvesting technology is based on the principle that wherever mist or fog touches a metallic or net surface it condenses to form dew or droplets of precious water. The technology is innovative, environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and cost-effective. It epitomizes the “green technology’ to obtain clean, fresh water almost anywhere from the earth. An experimental investigation was performed to compare the fog collecting efficiency between two mesh structure. As a result, When the model was run for one-hour period, the rectangular and inverted triangular tapered mesh (shade net) collected a total of 6.6 ml and 4.5 ml respectively. The water run-off dynamics of both the mesh were also studied by observing the water collected at different time intervals, within 20 min in the fog flow the rectangular mesh had collected 2.4 ml of water and subsequent water collections were monitored at interval of 10 min time up to one hour and average subsequent collections was found to be 1.05 ml. Likewise, the shade net had collected 1.5 ml of water and 0.75 ml in the subsequent time interval.