Now a days we know that due to the environmental condition atmosphere is not favorable for any crops, so that for healthy and more production we are spraying different fungicides, insecticides and etc. Spraying things are not good for human beings for that we are using different leaf extracts, This method is very easy and economically beneficially to producer.
The Brinjal consist of different fungal diseases to control we are using different leaf extracts which affects to the plants growth and yield to a best of genetic potential. In present study , the pathogenic fungus was isolated from infected plant parts and identified based on morphological and cultural characters as Fusarium Solanif.sp, melongenae .Hossain KS and Bashar MA(2011).The different plant extracts viz, Azardichataindica, Argemone mexicana, Datura stramonium, Ipomoea fistulosawere tested to control brinjal pathogen. Different concentrations 5, 10, 15 and 20% of plant extracts was used in the study .Alemu Nega (2014). Among the different extracts 20% of Azardiachtaindica was found most effective followed by Argemone mexicana, Datura stramonium, Ipomoea fistulosa.