Introduction: The transfer of pediatric emergencies can’t be improvised, but it must be organized for coordinated, and/or fast, efficient and quality orientation.The aim of our research is to study the reasons for pediatric transfers to the pediatric medical emergency department of the children's hospital in Rabat and to specify the factors of the transfer justified and not justified.Material and methods:This was a prospective study of 329 patients transferred, with a period of 6 months, from 1 May to 31 October 2015. It concerned children between the ages of 0 and 15 transferred from other public and private care facilities admitted to the reception service for pediatric medical emergencies (PME).Results:An incidence rate of 1.33% with a peak during the month of June.Children over 2 years of age accounted for 40.7%, while newborns accounted for 36.8%. The sex ratio M / F was 1.57.Eighty per cent were referred from provincial hospitals (Level II).Otherwise, the region of Rabat, serving the children's hospital of Rabat (CHR), accounted for 49%. Transfers are unregulated in 95.7% of cases.The transfer decision was made by specialist doctors in 40.4% of cases, by general practitioners in 55.3%, influenced by the patient's family in 9% of cases.Transfer time was mentioned in 6% of cases. Patients were put in condition in 12.1% of cases, accompanied by a health professional in 7.6% of cases, through an ambulance in 38.9% of cases.Eighty-seven percent of transferred cases were admitted to the PMEs on working days of the week, of which 64.1% occurred outside normal working hours.Transfers were justifiable in 42.7% of cases, these patients were referred in 80% by the specialist for vital distress. Ten percent of the patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit, 81% of cases were admitted to pediatric hospitalization of CHR, and 9% were referred for outpatient treatment.The main transmission pathologies encountered were infectious (37%), haematological (13.4%), respiratory (10.6%), neurological (9.4%), and accidental (6.7%).Conclusion:The pediatric transfer to the tertiary level emergency department must be justifiable in order to limit the cost of transport, intervention and accompaniment.