Background: Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) Disease causes disability and mortality because of its ability to cause complications. Patients develop complications because of lack of awareness about the disease.
Aim: This study was aimed to know the level of awareness of CSOM and its complications in north Indian population.
Materials and Methods: Patients suffering from CSOM attending outpatient department of Ear, Nose and Throat Department were included in this study. This was a KAP Study carried out at Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Government Medical College Srinagar from January 2019 to December 2019. A total of 300 patients were included in the study. All patients were presented with structured questionnaire it contains multiple questions aimed at assessing the knowledge of the patient about the disease CSOM, the pattern of treatment taken and its complications.
Results: Age and sex distribution of the patient. Among study group highest number of patients were from 31 – 40 years of age (39%), followedby18-30 years of age (30%). Majority of the patients were from low economic status (63%). Only 41% of patients recognized entry of water into the ear as a cause for recurrence of ear discharge in CSOM. None of the patient differentiates in to safe and unsafe type. 28% of patients know that CSOM can cause serious complications.39%of patients say that CSOM can be cured by surgery. 35% of patient says surgery leads to further detritions of hearing. Conclusion: This study was done to Know awareness level about CSOM. Disease is more common in low socioeconomic group. Knowledge about various aspects of disease is still low. About half of the patients still believe that chronic discharging ears is not a problem and does not seek specialist care at least for a long time.