Objectives: To examine the role of parotidomasseteric fascia in preventing gustatotry flushing, gustatory sweating during eating and reconstruction of facial contour defect after superficial parotidectomy.
Material and Method: Ten patients were enrolled from December 2018 to January 2020 with tumor of parotid gland. Their evaluation criteria were Frey’s syndrome (Gustatotry Flushing, Gustatory Sweating), Facial nerve paralysis, wound Dehiscence, Parotid fistula. Follow up period ranged from 14 months.
Results: Ten patients were enrolled in this study. Two patients showed a temporary facial nerve weakness after a superficial parotidectomy, which complet regressed over time. None revealed Frey's syndrome. Satisfactory results were found in relation to scar, facial contour defects and overall outcomes.
Conclusion: Parotidomassteric fascia appear to be an effective method of preventing Frey's syndrome after parotidectomy. The stable long-term results and high patient satisfaction lead to the application of this operation technique in daily routine.