Diabetes is one of the largest global health emergencies of this century. Diabetes is a major global health concern that is rising in emerging nations like India due to bad lifestyle choices and the rising incidence of overweight and obesity. It may be difficult for patients to control their diabetes if they don’t know enough about diabetes care. This is crucial since greater patient self-management skills are linked to more effective diabetes management. This article emphasizes the difficulties in managing diabetes while focusing on the health priority of diabetes care in India. Diabetes is a serious worry in India because to its startlingly high prevalence and expected rise in the future. Key challenges include lack of awareness among the population, poor diagnosis, limited access to quality care, medication adherence issues, and physicians’ limited time and knowledge. A number of issues, including the expense of treatment and an inadequate healthcare infrastructure, make diagnosis and getting access to high-quality care difficult, especially in rural areas. Limited transportation alternatives, complicated treatment plans, and expensive charges all have a major impact on medication adherence. Time restrictions and deficiencies in knowledge affect how well diabetes is managed by healthcare personnel. Although these programs seek to enhance care, there hasn’t been a thorough analysis of their efficacy. The issues facing diabetic treatment in India are emphasized in the conclusion, which also highlights the need for improved diagnosis and access to care, medicine low prices, greater training for healthcare professionals, and efficient policy implementation.