Hypospadias (hi-poe-SPAY-dee-us) is a birth defect (congenital condition) in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. Hypospadias is a relatively common congenital defect of the male external genitalia. It is present in approximately 1 in 250 male newborns. Hypospadias in boys, include three anomalies of the penis: an abnormal ventral opening of the urethral meatus that may be located anywhere from the ventral aspect of the glans penis to the perineum, an abnormal ventral curvature of the penis known as chordee, and an abnormal distribution of foreskin present dorsally and deficient foreskin ventrally known as hood.
Methods & Material: In this study author operated 25 cases of Hypospadias of different types in different age groups. MAGPI for glandular variety, TIP procedure for distal penile hypospadias and Ducket Onlay Flap technique for Proximal penile hypospadias, penoscrotal and perineal Hypospadias3. Crippled Hypospadias was repaired by bracka two stage technique.
Results and Analysis: After the primary repair of Hypospadias fistula was found in 6.2% of patients. Post-operative hemorrhages was seen in 12.2% of patients. The success rate of Crippled Hypospadias was quite satisfactory. Over All study has shown better cosmetic results, one stage repair is cost effective, satisfactory and less psychologically affecting patient and attendants.
Conclusions: MAGPI performed for the repair for Glandular and TIP for distal penile in cases of mild chordee. Proximal Penile Chordee corrected by dorsal plication and Urethroplasty by Ducket’s Onlay flap technique. Snodgrass TIP performed for mid penile and distal penile with satisfactory outcome. This proctocol appeared very cost effective.Single stage repair is also beneficial for developing countries like India where the follow-up compliance in the rural patients is extremely poor.