It is always wise to preserve rather than remove parts of human body. Since ages, scientists have always tried to come up with techniques or procedures which are concise or easy for the benefit of the patient. A new concept of bone osteotomy Osseo densification has been at forefront of changes in surgical site preparation in implantology. This relative new concept with universal drills has been proposed to help in better osteotomy preparation, bone densification, indirect sinus lift and also achieve bone expansion at different sites of varying bone densities. Densah Burs that is used in Osseo densification procedure use advanced technology to prepare an implant site using either a Densifying Mode or a Cutting Mode. In the densifying Mode, the Bur is rotated in a high speed non-cutting counterclockwise direction (osseodensification). In the cutting mode the bur is rotated in a
clockwise direction These procedures have also shown increase in implant primary stability and better osteotomy than conventional implant drills. The use of densah burs also improves bone density and increase in percentage bone volume and bone to implant contact, thereby improving implant stability. Current literature evidence is inadequate to draw any concrete conclusion, and more studies are recommended in this field.