Introduction: Neurological conditions such as head injury lead to physical weakness, lack of coordination and cognitive problems, thereby making it difficult to maintain good oral hygiene. Post -surgical and post disease impairments can have negative impacts on daily functions and thus affect health related quality of life. Likewise, oral health related is also affected considerably as a result of post neurological deficit, orofacial impairments.
Aim: To assess the oral health related quality of life among neurosurgical patients.
Methods and Material: A questionnaire survey was done to assess the Oral health related quality of life of neurosurgical patients attending the neurosurgical Out Patient Department (OPD) at a tertiary care centre. All Subjects coming to the OPD were recruited according to the selected inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Results: Mean OHIP score among males was found to be 27.3 and among females, mean OHIP score was 41.0. A statistically significant difference was seen among all the groups, except for the one with comorbidities. Females had the highest mean OHIP subscale score under psychological disability where as males had highest mean OHIP subscale score under physical disability.
Conclusion: Neurosurgical subjects are a very vulnerable class of patients. Impairments appear to be sustained, with spontaneous recovery unlikely to occur. Rehabilitative approaches may have the potential to improve oral health related quality of life following neurosurgical insults.