Aim : To evaluate the OHS of Adolescent school children in rural areas-Thiruvallur
Objective : Oral Health is often neglected by most people. In an attempt to raise awareness amongst the youngsters or adolescent school children, a survey was conducted in Thiruvallur among students and their OHS was evaluated.
Background : Adequate knowledge regarding oral health is also mandatory as it is directly related to general health. Assessment of the oral health status & treatment needs, among rural population plays a major role. It is important to note that almost 70% population in India come under the rural regions.
Methods and Methodology: The Oral health status of around 100 adolescents in a school in Thiruvallur was evaluated with the help of an oral hygiene index (simplified) table.Debris Index(simplified) and Calculus Index (simplified) was checked for a minimum of 6 teeth.
Results: It is observed that almost 58% of the adolescents maintained poor oral health and around 32 % maintained a fair oral health. Only 10% adolescents maintained good oral health.
Conclusion: This study concluded that the oral health status of adolescents in rural areas of Thiruvallur is poor. Higher the OHI, poorer is the oral hygiene of the individual.