Online education during the corona: a remedy or creating disparities between the students

Arghya Das

Education is significant in society. It's the reason for the prolongation of culture, for the guidance of people, for the development of society, and different purposes. Suddenly, the Corona virus has changed how lessons are taught far and wide. Those progressions give us a brief look at the educational system during the pandemic. While class terminates, dunks in enrollment at the start of a fresh educational configuration, and annulments could also be momentary, it’s tough to anticipate whether the novel coronavirus will end in enduring disturbance to the educational structure. The most terrifying fact is due to the closedown of educational institutes; around 600 million learners across the world will be affected. (10) Closure of educational institutions does not even have short-term effects in India, but can even cause destructive economic and societal consequences. In the light of the disease when the traditional learning facilities are not available, then the online education system seems to be the only way out, which can draw the learners out of the darkness. This study assessed a comparative, statistical, and analytical interpretation of the effect of online education between the urban and rural students of the Rajganj block under the Jalpaiguri district during the Corona situation based on the availability of digital mediums, internet accessibility, and the accessibility of study material.

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