It is necessary for a time demanding diagnostic modality to be rapid, sensitive and cost-effective with higher specificity to reduced neonatal mortality and morbidity. The study was carried out to find out the diagnostic utility of haematological scoring system (HSS) for early detection of neonatal sepsis. This prospective study was conducted in Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Dhaka from May 2018 to April 2019. 100neonates with predisposing perinatal risk factors for sepsis were enrolled in the study. The haematological findings were analyzed according to the haematologic scoring system (HSS) of Rod well et al. On evaluation of various laboratory test, IT ratio (>0.2), IM ratio (> 0.3), total immature PMNs count, platelet count were found to have optimal sensitivities and negative predictive values. This study implies that HSS score >2 are more reliable as a screening tool for sepsis than any of the individual haematological parameter.