Aim: To study the occurrence of plantar fasciitis in Quick Service Restaurant employees
Background: Plantarfasciitis is a common cause of heel pain in adults. The plantarfascia maintains the arch by windlass mechanism. Plantarfasciitis is thought to be caused by biomechanical overuse from prolonged standing, running; thus creating microtears at the calcaneal enthesis. Most commonly seen in runners, dancers, work related prolonged standing/walking. Quick service restaurant business is a rapidly growing part of food and beverage industry and has become a part of our lifestyle. The job of QSR employees demand standing continuously for a prolonged period of time which is a risk factor of developing plantarfasciitis and hence QSR employees being prone to developing plantarfasciitis.
Objective: The objective of our study is to find out occurrence of plantarfasciitis in QSR employees between 20-30 years of age.
Methodology: An observational study is conducted with sample of 200 QSR employees fitting in the inclusion criteria. The outcome measure of the study is the clinical diagnostic test- Windlass test correlated with clinical features of plantarfasciitis.
Results: 200 employees were studied. 136 employees complained of plantar heel pain, presented with symptoms of plantarfasciitis and a positive Windlass test i.e. 68% employees suffered from plantarfasciitis.
Conclusion: This study concluded a high occurrence of plantarfasciitis in QSR employees.