Diabetes is considered the fifth leading cause of death, and it is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world, as well as in many developing countries. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the life-threatening acute complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) that mainly occurs in type 1 diabetes patients, as well as in some patients with type 2 diabetes. In developing countries like India poor socioeconomic status in patients with diabetes incline to have poor compliance and poor glycemic control so any precipitating Factor tends to land them in state of DKA. Early diagnosis and early management avoids morbidity and mortality. Hence the study was undertaken. Methodology 100 diagnosed DKA patients were included in the study during 6 months of period. based on inclusion and exclusion criteria patients were selected and various clinical and biochemical parameters were collected for the study.
Result and conclusion: Diabetic ketoacidosis remains major cause of emergency among diabetic patients. Noncompliance or inadequate or inappropriate insulin administration and infection remains the most common precipitating causes for DKA. Hence early diagnosis and prompt treatment can reduce the mortality in DKA. Patient education is the most important factor to reduce occurrence of DKA in diabetic patients.